Participation in the Innovation Panel "Urban Design"
The work developed by the Students in the WS20/21 “Data-Driven Urban Nature” is presented in Freiburg in a panel organized by Social Innovation Lab.
Today, urban development needs multi-generation houses, more green, more inclusive, more cultural and more social. But how do you plan that? Who is involved in shaping it and what is becoming increasingly important against the backdrop of climate change, demographic change, loss of biodiversity, migration and resource scarcity? What contribution does urban development also make to social cohesion? How can community-oriented and sustainable urban development succeed? At our Innovation Panel on 5 October 2022, these questions will be clarified and guest contributions will provide an insight into the topic.
What will the cities of the future look like - what criteria will they have to fulfil, who will help shape them and what will become increasingly important against the backdrop of climate change, demographic change, loss of biodiversity, migration and resource scarcity? What contribution does urban development also make to social cohesion? Through exciting guest contributions, our innovation panel will clarify some of the questions and provide an insight into the topic from different perspectives.
At the Innopanel, a total of four guest speakers will give different insights into the topic: Mona Haas from the Freiburg-based "Wohnen für alle eG", Arturo Romero Carnicero from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Peter Würmli, President of the building and housing cooperative Lebenswerte Nachbarschaft (LeNa) in Basel, and Sabine Recker, Head of the Department for Affordable Housing of the City of Freiburg. Following the contributions, there will be an open discussion round moderated by Julica Goldschmidt ( To Event: :
Research visit from ESALA Edinburgh
Dr. Miguel Paredes Maldonado is a Lecturer in Architectural Design at the University of Edinburgh, visiting KIT to undertake a DAAD-funded research stay for senior faculty at the Chair of Landscape Architecture. His work focuses on the development of data-driven design methods to address contested issues in urban public space. To that extent, Miguel uses digital prototyping tools to experiment with practices of Urban Hacking and Critical Making, activating the spatial potentials of data-rich urban environments that are readily available to us as part of our everyday lives.
Building upon earlier investigations into bottom-up, data-driven urban processes in Edinburgh and Cagliari, Miguel is using the research stay to develop an ‘active model’ of digital urban sensing that brings both human and non-human perspectives of urban life in Karlsruhe into a public conversation. This ‘active model’ is a small, portable DIY digital sensing device, performing as a sentient computational object that surveys the fringes of
Data-Driven Urban Nature, Vortrag in Roma Tre
Die Fakultät für Architektur der Universität Roma Tre zeigte Interesse an der Arbeit von Bachelor- und Masterstudenten für das WS21-22-Seminar „Data-Driven Urban Nature“, das innerhalb des Lehrstuhls für Landschaftsarchitektur entwickelt wurde. Am Freitag, den 1. April fand für alle Studenten und Fakultäten ein Vortrag von Arturo Romero Carnicero statt, in dem die vorgeschlagenen Mappings vorgestellt wurden. Danke für die freundliche Einladung und den intensiven Austausch! Schauen Sie sich hier die Ergebnisse des Seminars an und werfen Sie hier einen Blick auf die Broschüre, die die Arbeit während des Seminars zusammenfasst.
LIGHTNESS, Online lecture by Jean-Marc Weill
Jean-Marc Weill, architect, engineer and head of “Construction et Environnement” ( developed the structural and constructive concept behind several facades, building features and art installations such as Leviathan, by Anish Kapoor, or Richard Serra’s Sculptures inside the Grand Palais in Paris. He recently finished the impressive “Ring of Memory”, the international memorial in Notre-Dame de Lorette, that has a strong dialog with the landscape it is inscribed in. For this lecture, he will portray new insights of their understanding of working with lightness.
Join us in ZOOM on Tuesday 30th November 2021, at 18:30.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 633 1304 8345
The lecture is the kick-off event of the Stegref “Gardens of lightness” (, in which the students will be developing light structures on the gardens of the Museum of Garment in Madrid.
Presentation of DDUN in Institut für Botanik und Landschaftskunde
In winter term 2020, the online seminar “Data-driven urban nature” encouraged students to discover and use digital tools to map nature in Karlsruhe. After a series of workshops to learn the basics of QGIS, each student pursued a personal research to investigate the possibilities of the software. How could architects and city planners take advantage of Big Data on nature for their design projects?
Oliver Leitzbach, bachelor student and participant in the seminar, used the geolocated findings of the Institut für Botanik und Landschaftskunde ( in Karlsruhe to portray the biodiversity of the south of the city. Thomas Breunig, Head of the Institute, kindly invited Oliver on September 22nd to present his research work to the staff of the institute during their general assembly. It was a great opportunity to exchange with experts in city/landscape ecology, biology and geography. We are looking forward to upcoming collaborations with IBL!
48h Architecture. Student competition results!
The European Architecture House - Upper Rhine organized “48H ARCHITECTURE” as part of the German-French-Swiss festival Die Architekturtage. It is the first student architecture competition in the Upper Rhine region aimed at architecture students in Alsace (France) and Baden (Germany) .
We are happy to announce that Jennifer Keßler and Julian Fehrenbacher, students at the Chair of Landscape, got the 3rd Prize and an economic reward of 1’000€. The winner proposal, awarded with 6’000€ was designed by Xavier Muller, Flavio Higelin and Lion Rust. The last two students just finished the KIT-ENSAS Doppelmaster “Bauen und Planen im internationalen Kontext“. The Special Jury Prize was for the project of Emilie Rickling, Joan Arnold and Benoît Aguesse, current students of the german-french Double Master Program. Congratulations to all, it was an intense and productive experience !
Through dense and green - Mitigation of urban flashpoints
The large housing estates of the 1960s-1970s, the housing legacy of the post-war period: usually located in the periphery, as satellite towns on the outskirts of the city, with a skyline of monotonous and oversized mega-architectures, stigmatized as problematic urban flashpoints and declared a failure as housing typology.
Mutations of urban riverscapes – Towards Ecocene
The Anthropocene Epoch must be as short as possible. It is our duty as professionals and responsible society to shift immediately to a new paradigm of cooperation between humans, non-human living forms, our cities and towns, and a planet suffering extreme climatic processes. As case-study, the site of Porteous in Geneva is selected: an abandoned industrial complex at the riverbank of the river Rhône.
Gardens of lightness
Designing with lightness within cities’ green infrastructure is an exercise of employing minimum energy to generate maximum synergies with the environment. The gardens of the Garment Museum in Madrid is the playground to experiment with weightlessness while producing creative territories for beneficial social interactions and innovative cultural phenomena.
Summer Term 2021
On Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., the new master students will be welcomed and the design studio topics will be presented online via zoom (meeting ID: 696 9975 1074, password: 582653). The presentation of the design studio "Street resilient ecologies - Upcycling Kriegsstraße" will be portrayed by Prof. Bava and can be downloaded here.
An online consultation with Susanne Gertsberger and Arturo Romero will take place on Wednesday 07.04. at 11:45 a.m. to answer questions about the semester and advise master students. The ZOOM link can be found here (meeting ID: 620 8543 1142, identification code: 131363).
Picture credit: Alameda Manuel Ricardo Espírito Santo, Lisboa. José Adrião Arquitecto
On March 22, 2021 at 4:30 p.m., student groups from nine different universities in Germany will present their projects for Europe and will compete for the Utopia Europe Prize, online on Zoom. From the Chair of Landscape Architecture, we are happy to support the students of our winter semester seminar “Data-Driven Urban Nature” Beatrice Iacopi, Oliver Leitzbach and Deniz Okurogullari, who will participate in this rhetoric competition. It will be streamed live in ZOOM, and the audience can also ask questions and of course also vote. Let's discuss Digital Europe!
Architecture illustration Competition
Gerne möchten wir Lena Schenek und Fabian Moser, Teilnehmer des Masterstudios „A World of Sports - Nature for our Cities“ bei ihrem Beitrag für die „Architecture Illustration Competetion“ unterstützen.

Am 25.2.21 fand die Endpräsentation des Masterentwurfs „A World of Sports - Nature for Our Cities. Herzogenaurach2030:SportCITY“ statt. 7 Gruppen haben ihre Ergebnisse vor einer Jury vorgestellt. Als besondere Gäste durften wir Herrn Dr. German Hacker, Bürgermeister der Stadt Herzogenaurach, Frau Jochmann, Tourismusbeauftragte der Stadt, Herrn Dr. Hagen Wäsche vom Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaften des KIT sowie Herrn Prof.Riklef Rambow, Professur Architketurkommunikation der Fakultät für Architektur begrüssen
Data-Driven Urban Nature-2. Debatte
The Seminar „Data-Driven Urban Nature“ hosts the second of a series of two debates as warming up sessions to the participation of the Students in the rhetoric competition „Utopie Europa“. You can click here for more details about the Universities and proposed debates around the idea of „Digital utopia for Europe“. The second debate takes place on January 26th, at 10:00 CET. We will be discussing about « Empowering citizens to generate safe public data about nature in cities » and the students will exchange with a panel of experts in digital technologies for natural and urban design: Mar Santamaría, Andreas Kugler and Miguel Paredes Maldonado.
Picture: 300000km/s. Morphologies of tourism
Redesign Borders:
Alle Master-Studierende erhalten hier eine Einladung für einen Ferien-Stegreif mit Schwerpunkt Interkulturalität. Es handelt sich um einen Internationalen Wettbewerb um Grenzen neu zu überdenken. Die ganze Informationen sind auf dieser Webseite zu lesen. Wir empfehlen den Fokus an der Oberrhein-Grenze anzusetzen; Thema und Verortung ist aber frei wählbar. Man kann sich allein einschreiben oder ein Team aus bis zu 4 Studierenden bilden. Unsere Professur wird die Anmeldungskosten für die 10 ersten angemeldeten Teams übernehmen.
Anmeldung gerne per email an arturo.romero∂ Anmeldeschluss ist der 15.01.2021.
Small Structures, Big Ideas. Summer School Rhine Rivers
Tiber Island is a unique urban island located in the centre of Rome. 400 meters long, 90 meters wide is the centre of the summer events of the so-called “Estate Romana”. Could these activities be enhanced through new urban infrastructures? Thinking out of the box is mandatory! This online Summer School is possible thanks to the excellent and intensive 48-hour work of international student teams from six European Universities: KIT, HTWG Konstanz, TU-Darmstadt, Roma Tre, ENSA Strasbourg, INSA Strasbourg. Take a deeper look in the Summer School’s Instagram.
Data-Driven Urban Nature
The Seminar „Data-Driven Urban Nature“ will host two debates as warming up sessions to the participation of the Students in the rhetoric competition „Utopie Europa“ that will be held in the French Embassy in Berlin by the end of March. Take a look here for more details about the Universities and proposed debates around the idea of „Digital utopia for Europe“. Our first debate will take place on December 22nd, at 15:00 CET. The selected topic is: « Public data infrastructure for nature in cities » and the students will discuss with a panel of experts in digital technologies for natural and urban design: Rasa Smite, Christine Wacta and Diana Alvarez Marin.
Picture: Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits. TALK TO ME: Human-Plant communication
Chandigarh & Bhubaneswar: integrating Heritage in Smart Cities
One of the core events of the Winter Term 2019 Seminar of the Chair of Landscape is the trip to India for an on-site workshop together with the students of ENSAS, KRVIA, KIIT and CCA. The seminar works with the paradigm of Smart Cities and the possible integration of urban heritage within this technological approach in a country that is strongly developing these new ways of planning and monitoring. The workshop takes place in Mumbai, with specific on-site studies in Chandigarh and Bhubaneswar. With the Support of Institut Francais India and Goethe Institut.
Freiburg:CircularCITY! StartUP Workshop
Wir verstehen das Stadtquartier „Dietenbach“ als wichtigen Entwicklungsbaustein für die gesamte Stadt Freiburg und entwickeln dieses zum Hotspot und Experimentierfeld für Nachhaltigkeit und Visionen.Dietenbach kann den Auftrag erfüllen, das gesamte Stadtsystem zu transformieren und hat sowohl Chance als auch Auftrag, vollkommen neue Wege zu denken, das Gesellschaftssystem im Vorfeld kritisch zu hinterfragen, Radikales der Konvention gegenüberzustellen, Vorbild für einen mutigen, aktiven und aktivistischen Städtebau und somit Gesellschaftsumbau zu werden.Wir suchen den Stadtraum, der notwendig ist um innovative Konzepte zu verorten.
LOST IN TRANSFORMATION! Manifeste für die Kreislaufstadt.
What is the "great transformation"? What is or is being transformed? How does transformation work, where and how does it begin, where does it take place? What is the difference between transformation and change? Is the concept of transformation sufficient or, as the sociologist Ulrich Beck shows, do we have to think of a “metamorphosis of the world”?
DIESE NATUR! MeetUP im OpenHub // ZKM
Diese Natur! – ist natürlich (und) überall! In den Naturgesetzen und Gewalten, den Naturwissenschaften und Philosophien, Naturschauspielen und Naturkatastrophen, Naturtalenten und Naturburschen. Die sprachliche und thematische Vielfalt von Natur ist divers – nur die Natur selbst, trotz Bio-Hype, immer weniger biodivers. Was aber ist diese Natur? Lässt sich diese Natur codieren? Was genau meinen wir, wenn wir in der Stadtplanung und in Freiraumkonzepten von dieser Natur sprechen?
Pop-up Piscine. Exhibition in Point COOP Strasbourg
The projects that the Master students envisioned for the summer term 2019 Design Studio „Pop-up Piscine“ are exhibited in Point COOP in Strasbourg from January 29th2020. The different approaches deal with the ecological, social and urban transformation strengths of accommodating a public bath facility on the river Ill, in the future neighbourhood of Citadelle, a sutainable-oriented urban scheme. Some of the stockholders of the urban renovation project Deux Rives had the opportunity to discuss these ideas with the students during the vernissage of the exhibition. Take a look at the projects in our Archive.
On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Landscape Architecture Group of the Department of Architecture at KIT invites you to a two-day international symposium. It will take place on June 13th an 14th, 2018. Save the date!
Under the title „design with ...“, the event is dedicated to the idea of creating a new urbanity based on landscape design as a site-related transformation of a location through interpretation and analysis, including existing components and the local culture.
International landscape architects will discuss their positions on the design and handling of landscapes against the background of growing metropolises, climate change, and social challenges.